Our Shield™ blood test gains FDA approval, ushering in a new era of colorectal cancer screening.  More Details

Len Lichtenfeld, MD, MACP, Medical Oncologist and Industry Expert

Dr. Lichtenfeld (or Dr. Len, as he is commonly known) is a board-certified medical oncologist currently focused on health policy, COVID-19 response and impact on cancer care, and as an advisor/consultant to companies interested in better understanding cancer research, drug and technology development and patient access. He recently completed 19 years of service to the American Cancer Society including the roles of Deputy Chief Medical Officer and interim Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, co-leader for the Society’s nationwide response team for the coronavirus pandemic and for 12 years managed the Society’s Cancer Control Science Department which was best known for the Society’s widely respected guidelines on the prevention and early detection of cancer.

Dr. Lichtenfeld has been widely quoted in the print and electronic media and is recognized for his expertise in medical policy and cancer care. He is well known for his blog which began in 2005 (www.cancer.org/drlen) and now continues at www.drlen.blog, focusing on various topics related to cancer research and treatment as well as COVID 19 and general medical care and policy.

He is married and currently resides with his wife in Atlanta, Georgia.